Monday, December 28, 2015


I think our blog will be once a week from now on.  We don't want to bore you to death with how cute Honeysuckle is.  She is 47 lbs of love and admiration.

While I know this sedentary lifestyle is good for her health, until those heartworms are dead and gone, she is chomping at the bit to just play and be a dog.

We are thankful to be living in Maui.  Lots of Vitamin D for us to enjoy ...

She loves to lay in the sun until I think she is going to catch on fire.  Then inside to the a/c and lying on the cool tile floor.

After all that excitement ... it's time for a nap in our bedroom.

It's a dog's life after all!


  1. How long does it take for heart worms to get killed off? I know they are nasty and I'll bet she's going to feel a lot better when they quit zapping her.

    1. It takes THREE MONTHS! One month of antibiotics to weaken the worms. Then an injection (she has to be sedated) with 30 more days of rest. One more injection and 30 more days of confinement. Then she will be good as new! Poor baby.

    2. Poor Honeysuckle, but lucky Hondysuckle, too. She has you.
